Sponsor donations are the main sources of funding besides ticket sales for the Center. Please help us bring Serbian cultural events to Dallas/Fort Worth by sponsoring current active events.
Center RASTKO is put by a team of volunteers and all the donations fully go to programming.

Fostering Connections Through Arts
is a mission of DFW Cultural Center RASTKO, all-volunteer based and registered nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.
All fundraising proceedings benefit cultural programming.
Support Cultural Center RASTKO Events
DFW Cultural Center RASTKO is a registered non-profit organization fully dedicated to fostering cultural and artistic diversity in the DFW metropolitan area by promoting and presenting Serbian art, culture, and tradition.
We are looking forward to bringing new Serbian cultural and art events for audiences of all ages, including children programming. Our goal is to continue with quality film premieres as well as theater plays, musical programs, and evenings with special guests. This programming is all based on volunteering work and partnership with other cultural centers in the US, Canada, and Serbia.
The Center RASTKO mostly depends on your support! We thank you for the past donations and invite you to support us in the future as well. Please use the PayPal "Donate" button on this page to make your contribution and join RASTKO.
Thank you,
DFW Cultural Center RASTKO
Захваљујемо Вам на подршци у пројектима Културног Центра РАСТКО који су намењени представљању, неговању и очувању српског језика и културе кроз разноврсне уметничке програме. Позивамо Вас да нам се придружите у тим програмима, обавестите нас уколико имате жеље да будете део РАСТКО тима, и наравно ако сте у могућности упутите нам и новчану помоћ која целокупно иде према културним пројектима. ХВАЛА!